Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Question for Tomy: It's the Demographics, Stupid


A President who is 83 years old, if wins a staggering 6th term will approach 90, in the meantime:

  • 60% of the population are below 30 years of age, many of them suffer from unemployment and none of them has known any other president to their country
  • The President by the end of the sixth term will have governed - or misgoverned, that lucky - or unlucky- country, for 36 years
  • People are committing suicide by setting themselves on fire at the rate 6 per day
The Question is: How many days till the whole population perishes (God save the Queen, emmm I meant the President)?

Please choose the correct answer:

  1. Tunisia
  2. 25th Jan
  3. An obscene word of extreme profanity 

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